Validity period of OBC Certificate in respect of ‘creamy layer’ status of the candidates

F. No. 36036/2/2013- Estt.(Res-I) 

Government of India 
Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances & Pensions 
Department of Personnel & Training 
Establishment Reservation — I Section
North Block, New Delhi 
Dated 31st March 2016
Subject: Validity period of OBC Certificate in respect of ‘creamy layer’ status of the candidates
This Department has received various references on the issue of problems being faced by the candidates on the requirement to obtain multiple non-creamy layer OBC certificates for appearing in various examinations. With a
view to address this issue, the following revised procedure is proposed:-
(a) Every candidate seeking reservation in central government posts and services OBC candidate is required to submit a certificate confirming his/her status as OBC and also produce Non-creamy layer status issued by an authority mentioned in DOPT Office Memorandum No.36012/22/93-Est(SCT) dated 15.11.1993.
(b) The Non-creamy Layer Certificate would be applicable to OBC candidates who are covered under Income/Wealth Test criterion. The income limit is decided on the basis of income earned during three previous financial years preceding the year of appointment. To illustrate, the validity of non-creamy layer certificate issued during any month of the financial year 2016-17 covering 3 preceding financial years viz. 2013-14, 2014-15 and 2015-16 be accepted by the concerned authorities for any appointments or recruitments which would be valid during the period April 2016 to March 2017. The appointing authorities would accept production of self-attested photo copy of the Non-creamy layer certificate, subject to verification of the original Non-creamy layer certificate, as is the practice being followed for verification of other original documents.
2. On this issue, the National Commission of Backward Classes has suggested a new format for issue of Non-creamy layer certificate, which is enclosed.
3. It is requested that comments on the suggestions made in para 1 of this OM and any other suggestion(s) to streamline the system of issue of Non creamy layer certificate (NCL) may please be furnished.
4. It is also requested that comments on the Non-creamy layer certificate format proposed by NCBC, may also be furnished.
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