Gandhinagar has been held in government primary schools Gunotsav first pre-Gunotsav yojavanu city. The first will be held every Thursday Gunotsav schools of the city. Had planned to hold a meeting Monday Gunotsav sasanadhikari. The information was given to all school principals in the city. Pre Education Profile will be what kind of performance were his orders. Dr. sasanadhikari. Nipabena Patel said, Gandhinagar, 33 school principals were called pre-Education Profile Information. Pre Gunotsav now be held every Thursday before Gunotsav. Magavama which the student will be examined in a week. When the school principal and teachers will also be gunotsavanamam test. 100 marksamanthi 40 marksanu principal evaluation will be doing. 60 marksanu The evaluation will be done by me.
33 The school principal called total capital involved training
33 The school principal called total capital involved training