BAOU CCC/CCC Plus Result: 21/03/2018
Important Instructions for CCC-CCC+ On-line Registration
List of Approved Centers
User Manual for Online Registration
Online Registration
CCC :SyllabusMaterial
CCC PLUS : SyllabusMaterial
FAQs related to CCC-CCC+ Examination
Notification: CCC+ 06/09/2017
CCC/CCC Plus Result: 21/03/2018
Download Result:Click Here
Important Instructions for CCC-CCC+ On-line Registration
List of Approved Centers
User Manual for Online Registration
Online Registration
CCC :SyllabusMaterial
CCC PLUS : SyllabusMaterial
FAQs related to CCC-CCC+ Examination
Notification: CCC+ 06/09/2017
CCC/CCC Plus Result: 21/03/2018
C.C.C. અને C.C.C.+ અભ્યાસક્રમની તાલીમ અને પરીક્ષાની માન્યતા બાબત
Online Registration for CCC/CCC+ has already begun. The registration will be continued on a
rolling basis. Candidates have to enter the name (according to service book), mobile, email-id
number and due date of Higher Scale/Promotion/Confirmation of Appointment. These four
details will not be changed afterwards. Once these details are submitted, candidate needs to
note an application number which will be seen on the computer screen. Later on for any
correspondence, this application number will be used for all CCC related work.
2. Candidate needs to enter his/her asked details in the time limit using his/her Application
number. After all the details are filled in the registration form, save the form and take print out
of the form.
3. Once print out of the form is taken, no details will be updated in the registration form.
4. In this printed registration form, candidate needs to sign at appropriate place. Also get signature
and stamp of the Head of Department/Principal. Without the signature of candidate and
signature, stamp of the head, the form will not be accepted.
5. An applicant has to pay the fees of Rs. 200 for Theory & Practical both (or) Rs. 100 for Theory
only (or) Rs. 100 for Practical only. The fee Needs to be paid online using State Bank Collect
using following link (By Debit Card/ Credit Card/Internet Banking/Cash Challan):
6. If Photo is not visible properly in the printed registration form, then stick the passport size photo
in the form along with cross signature on photo and also mail the pasted(scanned) photo along
with your Application number to If photo is visible then photo can’t be
7. Name written in registration form and name in your Identity card given by concerned office
Download Result:Click Here