Detroit Free Press published an article on the release of the new rating system.

See highlights belows:

The Michigan Department of Education is set to issue a new way of rating schools soon — one that gives them credit for student proficiency and improvement, as well as other factors that have nothing to do with test performance.

State Superintendent Brian Whiston said the new system, called an index, will be released to schools in about a week and will be public in about a month.

Schools will receive an index score that will range from 0 to 100, with 100 being the highest. Those with an index score of below 30 will be targeted for improvement, Whiston said during a break in Tuesday’s meeting of the State Board of Education.

Here’s how the index score will be determined:

34% based on improvement on state exams
29% based on the number of students proficient on state exams
14% on other factors suThis is a reminder that the human resources department is inviting all new teachers to a reception prior to the board meeting on Monday, October 9 at 6:30 PM. Over 160 teachers were hired this year. Principals, please encourage your new hire teachers to attend and administrators are also welcome.
We are excited to welcome our new teachers to the school district.

School Improvement and Leadership are two areas I have always had passion for in my professional career.  My main responsibility is to lead the district and building level school improvement process, facilitate the application for State level School Improvement Plan reports and Leadership Development in the school district.  Leadership development includes overseeing the Dearborn Teacher University program.
It is an honor and privilege to be the director for Dearborn Schools and to service our students, staff and the entire school community. I hold a Bachelor Degree, a Master’s Degree in Bilingual/Bicultural Education, and a Masters Degree in Educational Leadership from the University of Michigan Dearborn. One of my main goals in this new position is to interact with school improvement teams and staff and collaborate with school and district leaders to dissolve any barriers to student as availability of art, music, library and physical education programs
10% based on graduation rates
10% based on the proficiency of English language learners on a state exam
3% based on how many students are tested
A parent dashboard was created by the Michigan Department of Education for parents and other stakeholders wanting to know more about public schools down to the building level.

This tool replaces the color-coding system of green, lime, yellow, orange, red, and purple in the previous accountability Scorecards. The Michigan Department of Education (MDE) has developed a set of communication tools to help schools and districts discuss and share the new Dashboard with parents and the community.

The dashboard is now available to the public on MI School Data ( ParentDashboard) and can be accessed on any computer or mobile device.
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