GPSC DY SO / Dy Mamlatdar Updated Revised Result 2016-17 (Advt. No.: 27/2016-17) is very popular educational website in Gujarat. We Published daily educational news, New jobs, CCC, Results, Call Letters, Jobs in Gujarat, Bank jobs in Gujarat,Bank Jobs in India, GK ,GK Gujarat, Current Affairs, Daily Current Affairs,technology news,cricket news in Our website. we are also updates latest Gujarat all competitive study materials,PSI /ASI Bharti Study Materials, TET TAT HTAT Study Materials ,GPSC Study Materials, CCC Exam Study Materials, GPSC Class 1-2 Exam Latest Study Materials , GSRTC Conductor Exam Study Materials in , We are Also Published Upcoming GSEB TET Exam 2017 ,GSEB TAT Exam 2017, GPSC Various Exam 2017, GSSSB Exam 2017,Talati Bharti 2017, Junior Clerk Bharti 2017, Vidyasahayak Bharti 2017,HTAT Bharti 2017, TAT Bharti 2017, GSERB Shikshan Sahayak Bharti 2017…
If you do not have a OTR registration number, here you can click on “NEW
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online PDF for how to register for One Time Registration (OTR) number and;
6. If you have already OTR number but you forgot the number then you may click
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7. If you do not want to use any of the option and apply directly you may click on
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As you start filling the form please carefully read the following note mentioned
above in the screen :
10. While filling in the details please see that except for “Address”
fields do not use any special characters i.e. < % < > ' ( ) & + - ; ! > ,
. - * etc.
11. Moreover the following “Note:-” describes the same. The dates
range for unreserved category is given i.e. without age relaxation.
For age relaxation please read the advertisement carefully.
- Click on the “Read the Advertisement” to read the full advertisement carefully.
- Name of the post you are applying for.
- Special Characters not allowed <%<>'()&+-;!>,.-* etc.
- * indicates mandatory field.
- Your Birth Date should be between 3-October-1980 and 3-October-1997, if you are not entitled
for age relaxation. For details about age relaxation please see the advertisement. (The date
range is given for unreserved category – respective age relaxation depends on number of
vacancies and reservation category and its rules)
Gujarat Public Service Commission (GPSC) has published Result of Deputy Section Officer / Deputy Mamlatdar, Class-3, Advt. No. 27/201617, Main Examination, Check below for more details.
The following candidates are declared as successful in the result of Deputy Section Officer / Deputy Mamlatdar, Class-III, Advt. No. 27/2016-17, Main Examination held on 11 & 12-03-2017.
Post: Deputy Section Officer / Deputy Mamlatdar, Class-3
Advt. No. : Advt. No. 27/2016-17
For selection to the reserved posts of Disabled candidates and for Ex-serviceman the Qualifying Standard is relaxed upto 10% of the cut off marks of each category.
Click Here to Result is very popular educational website in Gujarat. We Published daily educational news, New jobs, CCC, Results, Call Letters, Jobs in Gujarat, Bank jobs in Gujarat,Bank Jobs in India, GK ,GK Gujarat, Current Affairs, Daily Current Affairs,technology news,cricket news in Our website. we are also updates latest Gujarat all competitive study materials,PSI /ASI Bharti Study Materials, TET TAT HTAT Study Materials ,GPSC Study Materials, CCC Exam Study Materials, GPSC Class 1-2 Exam Latest Study Materials , GSRTC Conductor Exam Study Materials in , We are Also Published Upcoming GSEB TET Exam 2017 ,GSEB TAT Exam 2017, GPSC Various Exam 2017, GSSSB Exam 2017,Talati Bharti 2017, Junior Clerk Bharti 2017, Vidyasahayak Bharti 2017,HTAT Bharti 2017, TAT Bharti 2017, GSERB Shikshan Sahayak Bharti 2017…
If you do not have a OTR registration number, here you can click on “NEW
REGISTRATION” for getting One Time Registration (OTR) number (see our
online PDF for how to register for One Time Registration (OTR) number and;
6. If you have already OTR number but you forgot the number then you may click
on “FORGOT REGISTRATION NO.” to get your registration number
7. If you do not want to use any of the option and apply directly you may click on
“SKIP” to directly proceed for applying onlin
As you start filling the form please carefully read the following note mentioned
above in the screen :
10. While filling in the details please see that except for “Address”
fields do not use any special characters i.e. < % < > ' ( ) & + - ; ! > ,
. - * etc.
11. Moreover the following “Note:-” describes the same. The dates
range for unreserved category is given i.e. without age relaxation.
For age relaxation please read the advertisement carefully.
- Click on the “Read the Advertisement” to read the full advertisement carefully.
- Name of the post you are applying for.
- Special Characters not allowed <%<>'()&+-;!>,.-* etc.
- * indicates mandatory field.
- Your Birth Date should be between 3-October-1980 and 3-October-1997, if you are not entitled
for age relaxation. For details about age relaxation please see the advertisement. (The date
range is given for unreserved category – respective age relaxation depends on number of
vacancies and reservation category and its rules)
Gujarat Public Service Commission (GPSC) has published Result of Deputy Section Officer / Deputy Mamlatdar, Class-3, Advt. No. 27/201617, Main Examination, Check below for more details.
The following candidates are declared as successful in the result of Deputy Section Officer / Deputy Mamlatdar, Class-III, Advt. No. 27/2016-17, Main Examination held on 11 & 12-03-2017.
Post: Deputy Section Officer / Deputy Mamlatdar, Class-3
Advt. No. : Advt. No. 27/2016-17
For selection to the reserved posts of Disabled candidates and for Ex-serviceman the Qualifying Standard is relaxed upto 10% of the cut off marks of each category.
Click Here to Result