The noun instruction is related to the word structure; both share the Latin root structus, "built." The use of the word as we know it today appeared in the early 15th century from the Old French. Today it refers to the action of teaching and the job of a teacher. It can also be used to denote the directions themselves. Consider the word's connection with structure: effective instruction is presented in an orderly, structured manner.
Another important point is that the different models and methods of instruction have been developed based on specific interpretations of concepts and principles of teaching and learning. While it is important to learn and practice the approaches developed by others, it is even more important to understand the concepts and principles upon which they are based.

If you learn only methods, you'll be tied to your methods, but if you learn principles you can devise your own methods.  -- Ralph Waldo Emerson

As you review each of the models or methods of instruction, ask yourself "Why is this being done?" and "Why is this being done now?" See if you can determine the underlying principles that are being advocated. You will then be in a better position to make modifications as your competency as a teacher grows.

Direct Instruction

As stated in other sections of these materials, the most often used measures of student achievement in the U.S. are scores on standardized tests of basic skills. Using this criteria as the desired student outcome, one set of models, labeled direct or explicit instruction (Rosenshine, 1995), has developed overwhelming research support in the past 25 years. Several principles of direct instruction, such as more teacher direction and student-teacher interaction, provide the foundation for this approach. The following chart (adapted from Slavin, 1994, p. 287) provides a comparison of instructional events from several well-known direct instruction models that incorporate these principles.

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