llle $pnlmleelon has mme across many advertlgem$nts published. in National Dailies
r:riforing oppotruttitiuu iut the awqrd ii''unfoti*ity Oefiro"i throUgh various, franchise
ijio'ranir*lsn *ono.lJtuc'uv
-*,t.n-piiuutu--ansiitirtione;. Thes'e piivate establishments
r;lainring themeelv*s as study centres oil*Artti*g-cPnt-rq of different universitles enrol
r.turlerits for varlous degree prog*mme;offiiuo;hirn io uai*sponsible tor,teaching and
eonduct of exairrlruatipns, The faariiy unO tf,e, tnfraslructure
'belong to these private
a;oncioe. TnE conceineO unive,sity eite6't

;iliaUus and teaJhing materiala' has
flr: m€chanisrn to monrtor und marntahltrr'e cioaoemrE aiandards of tcaching being imparled
a[ these c€ntrss. Thls hlatant comprorhlse with the standi'oi ot 6ducation has led to
v;irlosprsad criticlsm.'lrr,*
taran a serious view of tlrese misleading
sclvorii*emonts ap pearing i n var'toue newopapo rs'
It is, thqrefore, clarlfied for the Information of sll uoncernecl, inctuding studenh And parents
thati' j
a Central or $tate Gowrnment Univereity can con'Cuct uourees thiough its own
,g*paiio*nG, its r*r*iftil,tii})ilt# an ror thiaugl', itE nifrliated Cotlage*;
e urrivc*rsi$ establlstEd or'incorporated by or upder a State act slratloperate oniy

within the tenltorirflrii iiiti.niiiotte6,tuii ,nU-ai G Act and in no cass heyonc fhe
teriitory of thrg stale of lts locatlon;
the prlvate univensltleE end deemed universitiEs canno!-a{tiliate any college or
inutitution gcf crniuii;ng-,c*J1g;,mrrNi.ii:;*rd ol its diplornas, degrqes or
otherql.,alifi$Bti0n$'' I .r ''
no lJnlversity, Whether cantml, state, private or deemed, can offer its programmes
through franchising arransement *ittt"ptui[' ;;;;'h'Fg institutions even for thq
ert-p"** oi"orur*i"ing coursee through distance mode'
atl'univerelties Ehall award only, suCh degrees 8$ ars spoc[fiod by the UGC and
BuUf i"tterl in ihe offi eiai gazetle'
the Universiiies.shall conduct ttreir A-r$t dtlgree and MaEtet's degree programr'nes in
acco rd ar,ee witr", titiri', Ig ;rti*;;;;fi fi il''t ii *r S vr iir" rlir lo n i n tiiis reg a rd'
rri this corrnection, the stlrdents and tho general pubtic- aru also hsrpby lnfornied 0f' the
ii' f o*nU .*g rlitiog ;;;tb# pe *al ni ng to-d lff ere nt types of un lvers itiee :
ro^ UGG Reguiatlone sn FriYate universlties
, ..^.
..i pirNare uniuereity established ,{?, a $tatu n$ str1l 'be a 'unitary univenslty' ft privat'+ '
,rni:,,ergity ftiay ile p**lrir,O to opqn g#;ilffi-.-"1i*1r9fu Ifroiu *'*puses. and iturdv centre* :'
,f16r {ii1s y#r,i.,}, e{ iti cornin* ltto. ,gTisi#;''sufuict
to tiiq'i*-li'[#t ;i ccnr:iitisrie as laid ilc'"\:t
"riir. ?r LJG( :E rtauriinment 6r a nrarnt[n#'cffid-sra;;Troul'i'iliionG]-Jnivari:s'it:es)
irr(.3. A5 i; ;rr.;,#. rhe u6c haE not s,#iil;il;1.!*ion tt itiv iidt; rJniverritl ro eetablish on'
;;';,;;i'--rv *nt'u'
S. tjffi0 Rquu:iertisns om Eeemed Unlversttles
{. neamed t"lrlvera'rty ehell oPerate olly witli1it* [Y*yarters
or from those off
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