Dhoran 12 Arts And Commerce 2019 ni Boardni Jahera Parixana avedanpatro Bharva Babat

Dhoran 12 Arts And Commerce 2019 ni Boardni Jahera Parixana avedanpatro Bharva Babat

Applicant has to upload attachments while applying. Scanned the required
attachments and save to either (.jpg, .jpeg) format. to upload Candidate's
Picture and Candidate's Signature. Size <= 5KB and Size >= 20KB. Approx
Dimensions : Width 100px, Height 120px
Other Instruction for photograph
1. Photograph must be taken in a White or a very light background.
2. Face should occupy about 50% of the area in the photograph, and with a full face
view look ing into the c amera directly. The
covered b y h air of t he h ead, an y c loth or
cheeks, lip, and chin should be clearly visible..
mai n fe atures of th e fac e mu st not b e
any s hadow. F orehead, b oth e yes, n ose,
3. Please do not upload Mobile phone photographs of Candidate.
4. You must n ot w ear sp ectacles w ith d ark or t inted glas ses, only clear gl asses ar e
Other Instruction for Signature
1. Please put your signature with a black or dark blue ink on a white paper.
2. Please do not upload Mobile phone photographs of signature.
In case of Disability, Disability certificate needs to be attached. File format
(.jpg, .jpeg) and Size>= 20KB and size <= 200KB.
In case o f Student Other than GSEB orGSOS B oard, M igration certificate and
Equivalence Certificate needs to be attached. File format (.jpg, .jpeg) and
size<= 15 KB and Size <= 100KB.
In c ase o f Regular S tudent S SC M ark sh eetneeds t o b e a ttached. F ile
format (.jpg, .jpeg) and size<= 15 KB and Size <= 100KB.
In case of Repeater Student HSC Fail Mark sheetneeds to be attached. File
format (.jpg, .jpeg) and size<= 15 KB and Size <= 100KB.
In ca se o f Isolated I.T.I S tudent HSC Mark s heet, S chool leaving, I .T.I
certificate needs to be attached. File f ormat ( .jpg, .jpeg) a ndsize<= 15 KB
and Size <= 100KB.
In case of open school studentSSC mark sheet, HSC Mark sheet, Affidavit
needs to be attached. File format (.jpg, .jpeg) and size<= 15 KB and Size <=
Photo, Signature, Certificate(s) or any other required attachment(s) must be
adequately visible else can be rejected.
How to download User Guide
Please download and read user guide carefully before apply online. To
read guideline Adobe Reader 8 or above must be installed on your computer
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