Date 02/11/2018 SMC Teleconferance Sudharel Karyakramni RupRekha

Date 02/11/2018 SMC Teleconferance Sudharel Karyakramni RupRekha
Instruction is vital for education, as it is the transfer of learning from one person to another. Any time you are given directions or told how to do something you are receiving instruction.
The noun instruction is related to the word structure; both share the Latin root structus, "built." The use of the word as we know it today appeared in the early 15th century from the Old French. Today it refers to the action of teaching and the job of a teacher. It can also be used to denote the directions themselves. Consider the word's connection with structure: effective instruction is presented in an orderly, structured manner.
“To turn them away with some amorphous instructions is illegal,” he said.
Los Angeles TimesOct 31, 2018
Then it’s on to the Meisheng Cultural & Creative factory in Hangzhou, China, where the digitally transmitted designs and instructions guide the 120-day manufacturing and shipping process.
Seattle TimesOct 29, 2018
The Nuhus took shelter with their neighbours and another family, obeying instructions to shut themselves in the bathroom and hold damp towels over their faces.
BBCOct 29, 2018
According to instructions leaked to British intelligence by the KGB defector Oleg Gordievsky, they included corruption, vanity, narcissism, marital infidelity and poor analytical skills.

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