JNVST 2019 last date is extended to 15 Dec

JNVST 2019 last date is extended to 15 Dec
Establishment of Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalayas
As per the policy of the Government, one Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalaya is to be established in each district. Accordingly, 62 new JNVs have been sanctioned during 2016-17 in various districts of the country. In addition to this,10 JNVs each have been sanctioned in districts having a large concentration of SC & ST population. Besides this, 2 special JNVs in Manipur have been established bringing the total number of JNVs sanctioned to 660. Each Vidyalaya has provision for a full-fledged campus with sufficient building for classrooms, dormitories, staff-quarters, dining-hall and other infrastructural facilities viz. play-grounds, workshops, library and labs etc. The opening of new Navodaya Vidyalayas is based on the offer from the State Government to provide around 30 acres of suitable land (relaxable on case to case basis) free of cost, alongwith sufficient temporary accommodation to run the school till the completion of permanent Vidyalaya building.

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