Panchmahal:NCERT Aadharit Nava Abhyashkram-Pathya Pustakoni Dwitiya Satra Shixak Talim Mate Jillana Vividh Vishayna Resorce Person Na Adesh Kari Hajar Rakhava Babat

NCERT Aadharit Nava Abhyashkram-Pathya Pustakoni Dwitiya Satra Shixak Talim Mate Jillana Vividh Vishayna Resorce Person Na Adesh Kari Hajar Rakhava Babat
Teacher’s role is the most important in education system. Only the teachers
can provide quality of education and a great teacher can mould a great student. The
teachers sometime face the challenges of their professional career, because the new
generation is very smart, active and dynamic and a proficient teacher alone can meet
the demands of this generation. Teacher training forms the basis for preparation of
teachers for the institutions at various levels. The challenges of the teachers can be
changed through training. 1
 The DSERT formulates plans and coordinates the implementation of the
various primary teachers training programs at the state level. At the district level the
structures of DIETs and at the Block level, Block Resource Centers (BRCs) and at the
Cluster level, Cluster Resource Centers (CRCs) conduct continuous in service
programs to primary teachers under their jurisdiction. Under Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan
(SSA) each DIET also gets substantial funds for conducting in-service teachers
training program for primary teachers.
In accordance with the Constitution commitment to ensure free and
compulsory education for all children up to the age of 14 years, provision of universal
elementary education has been a salient feature of national policy since independence.
The resolve has been spelt out emphatically in the National Policy of Education
(NEP) 1986 and the Programme of Action (POA) 1992. In 1987 Government of India
launched a scheme known as ‘Operation Black Board’ to provide certain minimum
facilities in schools. District of Primary Education Progrmme (DPEP) was launched
as a centrally sponsored scheme in 1994 in educationally backward district of 18 state
of the country. 4
Government of India launched another scheme Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan (SSA)
in 2001-2002 to attain universal education covering the entire country in a mission
mode with a focus on quality education. Universalization of Elementary Education
(UEE) in our country is a constitutional obligation for Government and hence is the

first and foremost education priority before the nation. The RTE 2009 describes the
modalities of the provision of free and compulsory education for children between 6
and 14 in India under Article 21 A of the Indian Constitution. In the direction of
attaining various goals of UEE at elementary level Government has been, in
partnership with state. As its specific objective, all children ageing 6 to 14 should be
in school guarantee centers/ alternatives schools/ back to school camp by 2003. All
children should complete five years of primary education by 2007. Without attaining
the objective of universal enrolment, it is tough to achieve higher objective of Sarva
Shiksha Abhiyan. All children should complete 8 years elementary in 2010.

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