Police Inspector (Unarmed), Class-2 online application start now

Police Inspector (Unarmed), Class-2 online application start now
Any Graduate or Appeared in last year or last semester of any Graduate Exam-Degree obtained from any of the Universities established or incorporated by or under the Central or a State Act in India; or any other educational institution recognised as such or declared to be deemed as a University under Section 3 of the University Grants Commission Act, 1956; or (2) All candidates who are declared qualified by the commission for appearing in the Main Examination shall be required to produce proof of passing the degree examination along with their application for the Main Examination. The candidate who fails to produce proof of passing the degree examination shall not be eligible for admission to Main Examination. (3) Possess the basic knowledge of Computer Application as prescribed in the Gujarat Civil Services Classification and Recruitment (General) Rules, 1967. (4) Possess adequate knowledge of Gujarati or Hindi or both.

3 Stage-(Prelim(Objective), Physical Test, Mains Exam (Written & Interview)
Prelim Exam
Preliminary Exam Paper-1: 300 marks 3 hours
Main Exam
Mains Written Exam: Paper Subject Marks Duration Paper-1 Gujarati 200 marks 3 hours Paper-2 English 200 marks 3 hours Paper-3 General Studies-1 200 marks 3 hours Paper-4 General Studies-2 200 marks 3 hours Total 800 marks
Marks for Interview 100 marks
System of Merit Merit Marks will be Total of Marks obtained in Mains Written Exam and Marks obtained in Interview
Apply Online:Click Here
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