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child's school success, and setting a good example.
On this page
Benefits of daily attendance
When your child misses school
What you can do
One of the most important things your child can do to achieve academic success is also one of the most basic: going to school every day. In fact, research has shown that your child's attendance record may be the biggest factor influencing her academic success.
Benefits of daily attendance
By attending class regularly, your child is more likely to keep up with the daily lessons and assignments, and take quizzes and tests on time.
There are other benefits as well:
Achievement: San Diego Unified School District found that students who attended school regularly were more likely to pass reading and math assessments than students who didn't attend school regularly.
Opportunity: For older students, being in school every day gives them a chance to learn more about college and scholarship opportunities, and to take the important exams they need to build a successful academic record.
Exposure to the English language: Regular school attendance can also help students who are learning English by giving them the chance to master the skills and information they need more quickly and accurately — even in other subjects!
Being part of the school community: Just by being present at school, your child is learning how to be a good citizen by participating in the school community, learning valuable social skills, and developing a broader world view.
The importance of education: Your commitment to school attendance will also send a message to your child that education is a priority for your family, going to school every day is a critical part of educational success, and that it's important to take your responsibilities seriously — including going to school.
So what happens when your child needs to miss school due to a medical appointment or family trip? Sometimes these situations can't be avoided. In such cases:
Contact the school immediately. The absence needs to be excused, and talk with your child's teacher to make sure your child doesn't fall behind on any of the lessons that she missed.
Judge these situations carefully. Mandatory student attendance is a policy that schools take seriously. Unexcused absences will go on a student's permanent record; the consequences of your child missing class can include falling behind on lessons, lower participation grades, and poorer performance on quizzes and tests.
Keep in mind that public schools lose money when their students are absent. Public schools receive money based on the number of students who attend each day. When a student misses just one day of school, the school loses money — imagine how much a school loses when many students miss many days throughout the year.
child's school success, and setting a good example.
On this page
Benefits of daily attendance
When your child misses school
What you can do
One of the most important things your child can do to achieve academic success is also one of the most basic: going to school every day. In fact, research has shown that your child's attendance record may be the biggest factor influencing her academic success.
Benefits of daily attendance
By attending class regularly, your child is more likely to keep up with the daily lessons and assignments, and take quizzes and tests on time.
There are other benefits as well:
Achievement: San Diego Unified School District found that students who attended school regularly were more likely to pass reading and math assessments than students who didn't attend school regularly.
Opportunity: For older students, being in school every day gives them a chance to learn more about college and scholarship opportunities, and to take the important exams they need to build a successful academic record.
Exposure to the English language: Regular school attendance can also help students who are learning English by giving them the chance to master the skills and information they need more quickly and accurately — even in other subjects!
Being part of the school community: Just by being present at school, your child is learning how to be a good citizen by participating in the school community, learning valuable social skills, and developing a broader world view.
The importance of education: Your commitment to school attendance will also send a message to your child that education is a priority for your family, going to school every day is a critical part of educational success, and that it's important to take your responsibilities seriously — including going to school.
So what happens when your child needs to miss school due to a medical appointment or family trip? Sometimes these situations can't be avoided. In such cases:
Contact the school immediately. The absence needs to be excused, and talk with your child's teacher to make sure your child doesn't fall behind on any of the lessons that she missed.
Judge these situations carefully. Mandatory student attendance is a policy that schools take seriously. Unexcused absences will go on a student's permanent record; the consequences of your child missing class can include falling behind on lessons, lower participation grades, and poorer performance on quizzes and tests.
Keep in mind that public schools lose money when their students are absent. Public schools receive money based on the number of students who attend each day. When a student misses just one day of school, the school loses money — imagine how much a school loses when many students miss many days throughout the year.