Dtae 20 Novemberthi 21 December Darmiyan Bhasha Sangam Ni Ujavani Babat

Dtae 20 Novemberthi 21 December Darmiyan Bhasha Sangam Ni Ujavani Babat
"If you talk to a man in a language he understands, that goes to his head. If you talk to him in his
language that goes to his heart." —Nelson Mandela.
The Telugu Language is the second largest language in India, 10th largest language among the 15
major spoken languages on the globe. It was divided between 1500-1000 BC from the Proto-Dravidian
language which is the Mother Language of south Indian languages. Telugu Language recognised as official
language of Andhra Pradesh State of India and spoken by about 200 Million people throughout the world,
which is 8 times of the Australian population and more than half of the USA population. Number of national
and international Books, Magazines and Journals have been published in Telugu Language from various
places of the world. World Telugu Conferences (Prapancha Maha Sabhalu) have been uniting the Telugu
people all over the world since lost 37 years and 4th World Telugu Conference will be held in Tirupathi, AP in
the month of December , 2012. Written literature in Telugu was started in 11th century AD with Adikavi
Nannaiah and widely expanded with many Genres like Purana , Kavya, Shathaka , Dwipada, Natakam(Drama),
Navala(novel) , Katha(story), Kathanika(short story) etc.
UNESCO published a Atlas of World’s Languages in Danger and Disappearing and indicated that if
60% of students neglect this education in Mother Tongue, the Language will disappear very soon. ―It is
estimated that, if nothing is done, half of 6000 plus languages spoken today will disappear by the end of this
century. With the disappearance of unwritten and undocumented languages, humanity would lose not only a
cultural wealth but also important ancestral knowledge embedded, in particular, in indigenous languages.‖[1]
―At present, roughly 5,100 languages are spoken around the globe.... Yet many indicators suggest that within a

generation or two, not more than 100 of these languages will survive. Languages are dying out every bit as
quickly as species. While in the latter case, plants and animals disappear from the history of nature never to be
seen again, with the demise of languages, entire cultures are vanishing from the history of civilization never to
be lived again.‖- Wolfgang Sachs.
Such a biggest language Telugu is listed among the Disappearing Languages, because the peculiar
circumstances prevailed among Telugu speaking people those are1.
The devotees are Telugu people and the Brahmans(Pujaari) also belong to Telugu but the Puja( process of
devotion) takes place in Sanskrit.
2. Judges ,Under trailers and Lawyers are belong to Telugu but the arguments in the Court have been
conducted in English.
3. Teachers and students are Telugu people but the Medium of Instruction followed in schools and colleges is
in English.
The influence of other languages is unavoidable and flourishing the language but at the same time
every Language as well as Mother Tongue should be protected.

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