Police Lokrakshakdalni Date 02/12/2018 Na Roj Yojanar Lekhit Parixana Call Letter Download Notification
No. GGfGUj/09/2016/MHK/1010/1393/C:- In exercise of the powers conferred by
clause (b) of section 5 of the Gujarat Police Act, 1951 (Born. XXII of 1951 ), section 21 of
the Gujarat State Reserve Police Force Act, 1951 (Born. XXXVIII of 1951) and sub-section
(1) of section 59 of the Prisons Act, 1894 (IX of 1894) and in supersession of all the rules
made in this behalf, the Government of Gujarat hereby makes the following rules to
provide for regulating the method of examination for recruitment to the posts of Police
Constable (Unarmed), Police Constable (Armed), Class Ill, in the subordinate service of
the Police Force, Police Constable (Armed) in the subordinate service of the State
Reserve Police Force, Class Ill,, Sepoy (male) and Sepoy (Female)jMatron, Class III in
the subordinate service of the jail Department, nam
1. Short Title and Application.
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(1) These rules may be called the Police Constable, Class Ill (Combined Competitive
Examination) Rules, 2016.
(2) They shall apply to the post of Police Constable, Class Ill level Cadre posts, as
specified in Appendix I.
2. Definitions.- In these rules, unless the context otherwise requires,-
(a)"Appendix" means an Appendix appended to these rules;
(b) "Board" means the Gujarat Subordinate Service Selection Board, Gandhinagar or
such Board as may be constituted by the State Government in this behalf;
(c) "Examination" means the Combined Competitive Examination for direct recruitment
to the posts of Police Constable, Class Ill in the State Police Force and the State Reserve
Police Force and Sepoy (Male) and Sepoy (Female)/Matron in the jail Department
specified in rule 4;
(d) "Government" means the Government ofGujarat;
(e)"relevant recruitment rules"" means the recruitment rules prescribed by the
Government for the posts specified in Appendix-!.
3. Educational Qualifications and Age limit.-
(1) A candidate possessing the requisite educational qualifications, other
qualifications and requirements, for the appointment to the post as specified in
Appendix-!, prescribed under the relevant recruitment rules shall be eligible for
admission to the examination
Official Website:Click Here
No. GGfGUj/09/2016/MHK/1010/1393/C:- In exercise of the powers conferred by
clause (b) of section 5 of the Gujarat Police Act, 1951 (Born. XXII of 1951 ), section 21 of
the Gujarat State Reserve Police Force Act, 1951 (Born. XXXVIII of 1951) and sub-section
(1) of section 59 of the Prisons Act, 1894 (IX of 1894) and in supersession of all the rules
made in this behalf, the Government of Gujarat hereby makes the following rules to
provide for regulating the method of examination for recruitment to the posts of Police
Constable (Unarmed), Police Constable (Armed), Class Ill, in the subordinate service of
the Police Force, Police Constable (Armed) in the subordinate service of the State
Reserve Police Force, Class Ill,, Sepoy (male) and Sepoy (Female)jMatron, Class III in
the subordinate service of the jail Department, nam
1. Short Title and Application.
Advertisement Lokrakshak 2018:Click Here
(1) These rules may be called the Police Constable, Class Ill (Combined Competitive
Examination) Rules, 2016.
(2) They shall apply to the post of Police Constable, Class Ill level Cadre posts, as
specified in Appendix I.
2. Definitions.- In these rules, unless the context otherwise requires,-
(a)"Appendix" means an Appendix appended to these rules;
(b) "Board" means the Gujarat Subordinate Service Selection Board, Gandhinagar or
such Board as may be constituted by the State Government in this behalf;
(c) "Examination" means the Combined Competitive Examination for direct recruitment
to the posts of Police Constable, Class Ill in the State Police Force and the State Reserve
Police Force and Sepoy (Male) and Sepoy (Female)/Matron in the jail Department
specified in rule 4;
(d) "Government" means the Government ofGujarat;
(e)"relevant recruitment rules"" means the recruitment rules prescribed by the
Government for the posts specified in Appendix-!.
3. Educational Qualifications and Age limit.-
(1) A candidate possessing the requisite educational qualifications, other
qualifications and requirements, for the appointment to the post as specified in
Appendix-!, prescribed under the relevant recruitment rules shall be eligible for
admission to the examination
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