Vidhyasahayak Bharti (Dhoran 6 Thi 8 Gujarati Madhyam)Varsh 2018/19 Kamchalau Merit Yadi

Vidhyasahayak Bharti (Dhoran 6 Thi 8 Gujarati Madhyam)Varsh 2018/19 Kamchalau Merit Yadi

Programme-wise Merit Lists of the candidates for admission to M.A. Hindi and M.A. English have been put up on the website separately. The list comprises of the names of even those candidates who have not provided their UG Marks. However, the candidates must note that the ranking in the Merit Lists is likely to change on updation of data and verification of the relevant documents.
The participation in the Counselling-cum-Admission Session and subsequently admission to the PG Programmes offered by the University are subject to the fulfilment of minimum eligibility criteria as laid down by the University for admission to the respective programmes and verification of the relevant certificates.
 A candidate who has applied for admission to any of the PG Programmes of Central University of Rajasthan, has appeared for the CUCET 2013 test (held on 15th/16th June 2013), has net merit within the range of the candidates called for the Counselling-cum-Admission Session for the Programme he/she has applied for, but whose name does not appear in the Merit List or in the list of the candidates called for Counselling-cum-Admission session, can attend the Session on the day and time specified. He/she will be considered on merit, subject to verification of all the relevant documents.
 Opportunity will be given to provide marks at the qualifying examination to those who have not already done so, prior to counselling-cum-admission session.
The merit list is provisional and will be revised taking into account the data provided by the students on the counselling day. The revised merit will be the basis for selection.
Admission is provisional and is subject to satisfying the minimum eligibility criteria, verification of relevant certificates, mark sheets, score cards, and other conditions.
Only those who are called for the Counselling-cum-Admission Session, who have the required merit and are physically present at the Session on the day and time specified will be considered for admission. Those who are not present will not be considered.
Students who are offered admission, will have to submit the relevant certificates (as given below) in original, pay the necessary fees for the First Semester immediately on the same day in cash, failing which their admission will be cancelled. They will forfeit their right to admission, and the seat will be offered to the next eligible student in the order of merit. No partial payment of fee is acceptable. It may be noted that the University campus hosts Bank of India, CU Raj Branch as well as the Bank of India’s ATM facility, which can be availed of, if required.

 If, in a Programme, if all reserved category candidates are called for the Counselling-cum-Admission Session, and if one or more seats in a reserved category (SC/ST/OBC) remain vacant, and no student from the concerned category is present at the Session or is present but not accepting the admission offer, such vacant seats will be inter-converted and converted to General Category as per norms and will be filled accordingly in the same Session.
·         If all the seats in a programme are filled, the Programme-wise Waiting Lists will be prepared on the basis of merit of the students who are called and present at the Counselling Session.  In case a seat becomes vacant due to cancellation, it will be offered to the students in order of merit in the Waiting List.
·         Second Session of Counselling-cum-Admission will be held only if seats remain vacant after all the Waiting List is exhausted.
View Merit:Click Here
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